
Here’s what you must do if your resume is leading you to dead ends!

ResumeWW, one of the nation's leading resume writing services, understands that you only have a few seconds to make a good impression on a recruiting manager. There isn't much time to stick out and be noticed. The good news is that a few minor changes can result in significant improvements to your resume. Here are five changes you can make right now:

#1: Stick to standard.

In other words, unless you're applying for a position in an artistic field, don't make your resume too flashy. Instead, style it traditionally, with work names in bold and bullets under. Furthermore, when emailing your resume, please provide the desired paper form. Any employers favor PDFs, while others prefer Word documents or plain text. Even, on your resume, use standard fonts. There will be no Comic Sans or script fonts. Times New Roman and Garamond are also excellent options.

#2: Keep it concise.

Remove every superfluous word. This involves saying something like "references are available upon request." It also entails removing the objective from the top of the resume. Furthermore, do not have more than six or seven bullet points under each job title. Also, make sure that each one is concise and makes sense to the reader.

#3: Pull out that personal information.

Details like your marital status, the number of children you have, or your religion should not be included on your resume. In fact, it is unethical for an applicant to take these aspects into account when hiring, and considering them making you appear out of the loop.

#4: Concentrate on accomplishments.

Promoting your established track record is the single most effective way to be heard by a recruiting manager. This includes emphasizing awards, milestones, accomplishments, recognition, and positive comments you've got over the years that are most relevant to the job you're seeking. Wherever possible, use statistics and figures to measure your achievements.

#5: Phone a friend.

If you've polished your resume and believe it's as fine as it can be, have a friend, resume creator or colleague look it over. They can not only check for errors and typos, but they can also provide you with insight and inspiration about how to place your background.

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