
4 Things to think about before asking for a recommendation letter

If you're applying for a job, you're probably aware that you'll be asked for a list of references. It's standard procedure for nearly every job application. However, just because it's a standard part of the process doesn't mean you have to submit the same boilerplate list of references every time. A professional letter of recommendation is what you need to take it a step further and set yourself apart from the competition.

It's time to learn how to request a letter of recommendation in a professional manner. Here are some pointers:

·        Know the Purpose of the Letter

You want to make the letter-writing process as simple as possible for the person you're asking, which begins with letting them know what the letter is for. This aids them in determining which aspects of your experience should be highlighted and which can be overlooked. You might end up with a vague letter that doesn't serve its purpose: to help you stand out! If you don't go into detail about what the letter is for and what parts of your history are the most relevant, you might end up with a vague letter that doesn't serve its purpose: to help you stand out!

·         Who is the Letter For?

Don't forget to mention who will be reading your letter to the person who is writing it. This information guides the style and tone they use, in addition to practical details like who they should address the letter to. The way they describe their interactions with you, as well as the specific details they use, are influenced by their audience.

·        Include Your Resume

You want to provide as much information as possible to the person writing your letter of recommendation so that they can write a quality letter. One way to do this is to emphasise on your resume the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job you're applying for. This provides them with specific information to work with, ensuring that they are not left guessing when it comes time to write the letter.

·        Don’t Wait to Ask

Don't bother asking someone for a letter of recommendation for a job application that's due in a week. It's not only unprofessional, but it also reduces your chances of receiving a high-quality letter. Even if they did bend over backwards to get you a letter on short notice, the quality of the letter may suffer as a result. You don't want your job application to be tethered to a sloppy reference letter. Requesting a letter of recommendation from someone is a big favour, and it's your responsibility to make it as simple as possible for them.

It can be intimidating to request a letter of recommendation. When you reach out and make that request, however, you can feel confident that you've covered all of the important bases by taking the time to follow the steps above! For more insights – reach out to professional resume services

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