
3 Reasons to never go for a single-page resume!

Writing a resume necessitates a delicate balancing act. You've probably heard the "one-page" rule when it comes to how long yours should be. However, this isn't always the case, and sticking to it can actually hurt your job search. This is why:

·        You cram too much information in.

If you're frantically trying to keep your resume to one page, chances are your margins will be too narrow and your fonts will be too small. As a result, hiring managers will not be interested in reading your resume. They're pressed for time and need to be able to scan each one quickly and easily. If they have to use a magnifying glass to read yours, they'll probably ignore it.

·        You leave out vital information.

In an effort to keep your resume to one page, you may be excluding crucial material, such as details that would set you apart from other candidates. As a result, you shouldn't be only concerned with length. Instead, concentrate on emphasizing the information that the recruiting manager needs to know about you. You may still need to revise, but with two pages instead of one, you have a lot more options.

·        It makes you look inexperienced.

Experienced professionals should have a resume that is longer than one page, according to hiring managers. They also expect it to be polished and professional in appearance, with plenty of white space and proper formatting. So, if your resume is crammed and disorganized onto a single page, it will reflect poorly on you and your background.

There are, of course, exceptions to every rule. If you're just starting out in your career or have only a few years of experience, your resume should be one page long. Anything more will make you appear arrogant, or as if you are unwilling or unable to edit. Stick to a single page, with appropriate margins and a font size that's easy to read. That means one-inch margins and font size of at least 11 points. Hiring managers will take notice and appreciate it.

Need more insights on the same? Get in touch with the best resume writing services today!

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