
Resume Tips from the Best Resume Consultants!

Even the most seasoned professionals can be stumped when it comes to writing an effective resume. We understand and are here to assist you at ResumeWW. If you're starting from scratch or polishing an existing resume, here are some tips from our team of professional resume consultants:

·         Keep it simple.

To impress a hiring manager, you don't need a five-page resume. One, two, or even three pages will suffice in most cases. If you have a lot of experience, your resume will probably fit on two pages. If you're just starting out in your career, a one-page resume will probably suffice. But keep in mind that, at least at first, hiring managers don't read your resume word for word. So, keep it short and sweet, and concentrate on the most important aspects of your background.

·         Make it easy to understand.

A hiring manager should be able to understand what you do and the value you can provide after only a few seconds of looking at your resume. You won't be able to do that if your resume is long and winding, with dense paragraphs and small print. Instead, make sure that everything on your resume is easy to understand when writing and formatting it. Avoid fluff and exaggeration. Rather than writing in flowing prose, use simple fonts and bullet points.

·         Use a reverse chronological order.

Use the reverse chronological approach when working on your employment history. This entails starting with your most recent employer and working backwards. Include the company's name, your job title, and any relevant accomplishments or responsibilities. Bullets should always start with action verbs.

·        Tell a story.

Recruiters do not want to hire robots. They're looking for real workers who can get the job done. To demonstrate your accomplishments, use numbers, dollar amounts, timelines, percentages, and statistics whenever possible. Also, if you have a unique skill set, such as being an Olympic athlete or speaking three languages, make sure to mention it on your resume to help you stand out.

When preparing your resume, also consider the following don’ts:

1.       Don't use a script or fancy font. Keep it simple with the tried-and-true options.

2.       For emphasis, don't italicise and underline everything. Excessive formatting should be avoided.

3.       An objective should not be placed at the top of your resume. The hiring manager is aware that your goal, like that of every other candidate who applies, is to get the job.

4.       Don't use table formats or templates. Use a simple Word document that any hiring manager can easily open and view instead.

5.       Personal information, such as whether you're married or have children, should be avoided. Also, unless you have a direct connection to the job you're applying for or your hobby is truly unique (you're a 5-time Ironman finisher!), skip the hobbies and personal interests’ section.

Need more insights on the same? Get in touch with the best resume consultant at ResumeWW today!

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