
7 Tips to remember when adding keywords to your resume!

One of the most common mistakes job seekers make, according to resume writing services Toronto, is not putting keywords in their resume. If you've ever applied for a job and thought you were the perfect candidate but didn't get a response, it's probably because you didn't use the proper resume keywords and phrases.

When adding keywords to your resume, keep the following tips in mind.

1.      Try to use all of them

Although it isn't always practical, attempt to incorporate as many of the keywords from the job posting as possible. Of course, you don't want your resume to be more than one or two pages long, so keep that in mind. Prioritize the most important job requirements if there is a lengthy list of keywords.

2.      Use a variety of keyword types

Include a balance of hard and soft abilities, as well as qualifications. Because the person reading your resume may not have deep knowledge of your profession, strive to utilize both industry-specific terminology and more accessible language to demonstrate your competence.

3.      Use the keywords and synonyms

Avoid doing the same thing over and over again. You may communicate the same thing without using the same words by using synonyms and paraphrasing, according to resume writing services Toronto.

4.      Include resume keywords in each section

Don't only include keywords in your resume's work experience section. Make the most of every component, including the skills section, education section, resume aim, and any additional parts you choose to include.

5.      Edit your job titles

For the same work, different job titles are frequently used. You have the freedom to change your past work titles as long as they appropriately reflect your responsibilities. Assume you're looking for a position as a "Customer Services Advisor," and you previously worked as a "Call Centre Agent," which was essentially the same job. In this scenario, changing your job title to "Customer Services Advisor" will improve your application because you are not lying or being misleading (especially with the ATS).

6.      Use resume templates

It can take a long time to tailor your CV to contain keywords. Using resume templates is the quickest approach to edit your resume for each application. They allow you to quickly create resumes that look professional.

7.      Use keywords in your cover letter

Keywords should also be included in your cover letter. Employers and ATMs both scan cover letters, so the same restrictions apply. Including keywords in your cover letter will increase your chances of getting an interview.

Need more tips on adding keywords to your resume? Get in touch with a professional resume creator today!

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