
5 Resume Mistakes That You Need to Look Out For

You want to get your dream job, but you don't know where to start. Before you send out your spruced-up resume to employers and recruiters, double-check that you haven't made any of the following errors.

#1 Using a generic objective statement

“To find a position that will allow me to put my strong communication and leadership talents to good use while also providing prospects for growth and advancement.”

Do you have an ambiguous statement at the top of your resume? If that's the case, get rid of it right away. Hiring managers spend only a few seconds on each CV, and you'd be out of the race before it even began.

#2 Very few accomplishments statements

In their resumes, most job applicants simply describe their tasks and duties. Use metrics to quantify your impact, for example, "I implemented XYZ marketing approach to raise sales by 35 percent." But what if your profession makes it tough to come up with these precise figures?

#3 Grammatical mistakes & inconsistencies

Make sure your resume is free of grammatical errors by going over it several times. The following are some outstanding proofreading tips:

1.       Proofread in a peaceful area, away from distractions such as television, radio, family, and friends.

2.       Take it easy. Don't just skim over the words; read them all.

3.       Don't just read your resume on a computer screen; print it out and read it on paper as well.

4.       Practice reading aloud. When you hear your own words, you'll notice that they're not what you thought you'd written.

5.       Have a second person proofread the resume.

Also, when it comes to employer/city names, eliminate any irregularities in the usage of hyphens or capitalization. For example, if your prior employer's name was Pinetree Graphics, don't write it as Pinetree Graphics, etc. In most occupations, attention to detail is a highly valued trait, and you don't want to make a negative first impression.

#4 Formatting inconsistencies

Consistency in font size and bullet point styles is important. If you're going to make the employer names bold and the dates italicized, do so throughout the resume. Keep an eye out for spacing concerns between paragraphs and at the margins.

Alternatively, you can use online CV services to create a stunning resume for yourself.

#5 Including personal information

You've been employed because of your abilities and the value you'll bring to the company. In most job applications, your age or marital status is irrelevant. You should not include them in your resume.

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