
Resume Not Getting Responses? Here are 4 things you can do!

Imagine this: you found a job that you'd be a great fit for, polished and updated your resume, and applied for it. Your phone, however, isn't ringing, and you're beginning to wonder if your application was lost in the ether – or if you typed your phone number incorrectly.

If you can relate, you're in the same boat as a lot of other unemployed professionals. While you won't be able to make recruiters call you, there are a few things you can do to promote yourself to employers.

·        Clean up your social media act

We're not just referring to LinkedIn here. We're referring to all of your social media accounts. Facebook and Twitter are two popular social media platforms. Snapchat and Instagram are two popular social media platforms.

The first thing employers do when they receive your application is look at your resume. Many people will conduct an online search if they have all of the necessary skills.

You're being judged solely on the basis of what information is publicly available about you online before you're even granted an interview. It's fine to hang out with friends, and it's perfectly normal to face difficulties. Just be careful not to overshare on social media. Without context, a harmless photo taken at a friend's house party may not be viewed as such by a potential employer. If you're unsure whether something will be off-putting to potential employers, don't post it.

·        Keywords are the key

Simply reading the job description can give you a good idea of what matters to a company and the role being advertised.

Choose keywords that appear to be relevant to the job and sprinkle them throughout your resume where they make sense. If the position requires someone with creative writing experience, for example, you should definitely include the words "creative writing" in your resume. Just make sure you don't overuse the keywords to the point where they don't sound natural.

·        Follow directions

I know you enjoy LinkedIn's and Indeed.com's quick-apply features. They're fantastic. But there's a big "however" coming up.

If the job description includes instructions on how to apply, you must follow them if you want to receive a response. Despite the fact that the quick apply feature is right in front of you, you should follow the employer's instructions. If a prospective employer requests that you be considered, you must submit an application, along with your resume, cover letter, and work samples, to a specific email address. Clicking "quick apply" and not following directions will not help your candidacy.

·        Bringing it together

Perhaps you'd like to make a career change. Perhaps you've been unemployed for some time. Whatever situation you're in, make sure you're maximizing your chances of being noticed – in the right ways – by following these simple but crucial tips.

Need more insights on the same? Get in touch with resume companies today!

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