
Best Tips to Stay on Top of Your Job Search

You've put in a lot of time and effort looking for work. You've sent out your resumes and are now preparing for the interviews. Despite this, you only get crickets in return. Doesn't it make you want to rip your hair out?

Unfortunately, if job hunting is a full-time job, waiting is an unavoidable part of the job. Here's what you should keep in mind if you want to follow up on your job application without coming across as rude, annoying, or desperate.

How to Stay on Top of Your Job Search?

First, a few general guidelines for conducting an effective and thorough job search follow-up.

Look for phrases like "Don't call us, we'll call you" or "Please do not follow up" in the job ad. Don't do something if your boss tells you not to. Nothing irritates them more than candidates who believe they are above simple instructions.

Allow a reasonable amount of time for them to respond. This will be discussed in greater depth later, but suffice it to say that calling an hour after an interview is not a good idea.

Assume the recruiter has forgotten who you are. Even if you're a standout candidate, it's still possible that they'll forget to give you feedback for one reason or another.

A few other tips:

·         Demonstrate enthusiasm. "I'm really excited to join ABC Company, which is why I'm checking on the status of my application," write. You are not required to flatter them. Simply demonstrate that you are serious about the position.

·         Make a difference. Allow them to smack their heads and exclaim, "Oh snap!" After reading your follow-up email, I realized that I should have responded to this applicant sooner. For example, once you're on board, if you're brave enough, you can outline ideas that can help them solve their current problems. If you want to be safe, simply let them know you're available to assist with the hiring process.

·         Make a catchy subject line. Recruiters are busy people, so as soon as your email arrives in their inbox, they want to know what it's about.

·         Be direct while remaining polite. Within the first two paragraphs, tell them what you want, but don't be too harsh. If you're unsure, read your email aloud and consider how you'd feel if you were the recipient.

·         Remember to express gratitude. Recruiters are busy people, and anyone who recognizes the amount of effort they have to put into their jobs is appreciated.

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