
5 Tips to help you ace that job interview!

Throughout the hiring process, employers use resumes to discover more about applicants to determine if they are suitable candidates. Your resume should be quick to read, illustrate the applicable experience, and outline your achievements and abilities. Here are 5 resume writing tips to get you started.

1.      Look for keywords in the job postings

When planning to write a resume, the easiest way to start is by reading the job postings that you are interested in. You should study each job listing for keywords that indicate what the boss is looking for in an ideal employee when you apply for various jobs. Where applicable, add such keywords into your resume.

2.      Use a professional font

Since employers just have a few seconds to look at your resume, it should be as succinct and easy to comprehend as possible. Using a plain, clean font such as Arial or Times New Roman. Maintain a font size of 10 to 12 points. Your resume will look more professional if you use a simple, readable font.

3.      Include only the most relevant information and put the most important information first

Even if you have a lot of work or educational background, it's vital to keep your resume as short as possible without leaving out important details. Hiring managers don't have much time to read each resume. According to research, recruiting managers invest just 6 seconds per resume. It's possible that outdated or insignificant material on your resume, such as positions holding more than ten years ago or small degrees and awards, could detract from crucial information.

4.      Call attention to important achievements

Pick the top three or four most valuable accomplishments in each position you've filled instead of listing your work duties under the experience line. Have numbers that calculate your performance toward that specific target or accomplishment, if applicable.

5.      Proofread and edit

You can proofread your resume several times before submitting it to ensure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes. Although there are many proofreading apps and resources available, it is also beneficial to have your resume reviewed by resume maker or co-workers. It would be beneficial to have an independent third party review your resume in the role of an employer in order to identify areas where you can enhance or fix it.

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