
4 Myths That Might Be Killing Your Job Search!

What job search advice should you toss out of the window? Let’s take a look:

Myth #1: A Resume Must be One Page

Sure, this was standard practice a few years ago, but it's no longer the case. If you have a lot of experience, your resume can and should be longer than one page. It's preferable to have a two-page resume that's easy to read and well-formatted over a one-page resume that's unreadable and poorly formatted. However, don't go overboard by submitting a resume that is longer than necessary to reflect your experience.

Myth #2: You Should Apply to As Many Jobs as You Can

Hiring managers can quickly determine whether you are qualified for the position. So, if you're sending your resume out like spam mail just because "you never know," you're wasting your time and the time of the hiring manager by applying for every job available. Spend your time instead of customizing resumes and cover letters for the few positions where you are truly a good fit.

Myth #3: Companies Post All Openings

If there's a company you'd like to work for – say, because you love their product or are a long-time customer – reach out to them even if they haven't posted a job opening. Make sure to express why you want to work for the company in your cover letter, as well as what you plan to bring to the table to make a positive impact. The lack of a job posting may actually help your chances because there will be less competition. Companies are always interested in hearing from candidates who have a genuine desire to work for them.

Myth #4: Staffing Agencies Don’t Help

Staffing agencies used to be used to fill administrative and industrial positions back in the day. Staffing firms today place highly qualified professionals in fields ranging from accounting to information technology to human resources. A staffing agency or Resume Services can assist you in finding your next job if you have a lot of experience and want some professional help.

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