
6 Ways you can appreciate your co-workers!

You need to have a good relationship with your colleagues and co-workers – if you seek to advance in your career. Acknowledgements or praises shouldn’t only be kept for special occasions. You need to spread that positivity – wherever and whenever you can. Here’s how according to career consultants and resume help providers, you can do it.

  • Developa strong bond with your co-workers.

You spend most of your time with your colleagues or co-workers – rather than with your family. You know what is going on with their lives, as well as their habits (good and bad). You need to appreciate them every now and then – and help them excel at their career. Don’t hold back the appreciations, as they can help them in the long way. By doing so, there’s a solid trust built between yourself and your co-workers. Appreciating your co-workers also helps build a loyal relationship – which can further help you in terms of networking and job opportunities.

  • Facing challenges appreciating your co-workers? Be thankful instead!

Everyone at some point in their lives, need to ask for a favour. Likewise, at your workplace – when you ask for a favour from a co-worker, don’t shy away from saying thank you. You can do this frequently by appreciating their efforts. Go straight to your co-worker and say a genuine thank you for the help they have provided to you.

  • Showcase your appreciation in meetings!

Team meetings are great to express your gratitude towards your co-workers. You can help your co-workers gain recognition by mentioning their name to the manager – in a team meeting. According to career consultants and resume help providers, this is one of the most effective ways to build a strong bond with your teammates.

  • Send Acknowledgement Emails.

Sending an email is also one of the great mediums to appreciate or be thankful to your co-worker. You can also send a “CC” to your respective manager – to let them know about the co-worker’s efforts in getting a task done.

  • Praise them.

Point them out and appreciate your co-worker, whenever you see them working dedicatedly on a task. Let them know about their traits or habits that you find admirable. This will help them gain self-confidence to deal with the challenges faced during that task.

  • Send Notes!

Stick thank you notes on your co-worker’s desk every now and then. This cute little surprise will surely make their day – and is one of the most direct, and powerful way to show your appreciation towards them.

Want to learn more such ways to appreciate your co-workers? Seek guidance from professional resume services and career consultants today!

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