
5 Tips To Build That Perfect Resume In No Time!

You're probably aware that most hiring managers scan resumes for only a few seconds before deciding who to interview. The question is, how can you make yours stand out in a sea of other applicants? It's not as difficult as you might think. To help you get there, here are six top resume writing tips from ResumeWW's resume writing experts:

#1: Make an impact with your branding statement.

Do you want to make the best resume possible? Get rid of the goal. Hiring managers are well aware that your primary goal as a candidate is to land the job. Instead, create a one-line branding statement that sums up your unique background in one (or two) powerful sentences. For each job, you may need to customize the statement. However, it is the first thing that hiring managers see, and a branding statement can help you stand out.

#2: Sprinkle in keywords.

In today's world, resume scanning software, also known as ATS systems, frequently filters out resumes before they are even seen by a hiring manager. That's why it's critical to use keywords from the job posting throughout your resume if you want it to be seen at all. Avoid stuffing keywords into your resume; applicant tracking systems are smart enough to spot candidates who are trying to cheat the system. Only a few mentions are required.

#3: Be succinct.

It's simple to be long-winded. Hiring managers will notice you if you keep it short and sweet while still being persuasive. So, even if you have to rewrite your resume a dozen times to make it as tight and concise as possible, go ahead and do it. It will pay off in the end with a stellar resume and a slew of interview invitations.

#4: Boast a little.

The majority of people despise self-promotion. So you're not alone in that regard. While no one wants to hear about how amazing you are at your next dinner party, you should brag about yourself on your resume (in moderation). That simply means you should discuss your current and previous work experience in terms of accomplishments. Instead of emphasizing tasks, emphasize accomplishments.

#5: Focus on facts and numbers.

Hiring managers, in particular, despise fluff and hyperbole. Rather than cramming your resume with adjectives, concentrate on facts. Quantify your achievements with hard numbers whenever possible, from dollar figures to statistics, percentages, and time saved.

Need more insights on the same? Get in touch with the best resume writing services Canada today!

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