
6 Ways you can appreciate your co-workers!

You need to have a good relationship with your colleagues and co-workers – if you seek to advance in your career. Acknowledgements or praises shouldn’t only be kept for special occasions. You need to spread that positivity – wherever and whenever you can. Here’s how according to career consultants and resume help providers, you can do it.

  • Developa strong bond with your co-workers.

You spend most of your time with your colleagues or co-workers – rather than with your family. You know what is going on with their lives, as well as their habits (good and bad). You need to appreciate them every now and then – and help them excel at their career. Don’t hold back the appreciations, as they can help them in the long way. By doing so, there’s a solid trust built between yourself and your co-workers. Appreciating your co-workers also helps build a loyal relationship – which can further help you in terms of networking and job opportunities.

  • Facing challenges appreciating your co-workers? Be thankful instead!

Everyone at some point in their lives, need to ask for a favour. Likewise, at your workplace – when you ask for a favour from a co-worker, don’t shy away from saying thank you. You can do this frequently by appreciating their efforts. Go straight to your co-worker and say a genuine thank you for the help they have provided to you.

  • Showcase your appreciation in meetings!

Team meetings are great to express your gratitude towards your co-workers. You can help your co-workers gain recognition by mentioning their name to the manager – in a team meeting. According to career consultants and resume help providers, this is one of the most effective ways to build a strong bond with your teammates.

  • Send Acknowledgement Emails.

Sending an email is also one of the great mediums to appreciate or be thankful to your co-worker. You can also send a “CC” to your respective manager – to let them know about the co-worker’s efforts in getting a task done.

  • Praise them.

Point them out and appreciate your co-worker, whenever you see them working dedicatedly on a task. Let them know about their traits or habits that you find admirable. This will help them gain self-confidence to deal with the challenges faced during that task.

  • Send Notes!

Stick thank you notes on your co-worker’s desk every now and then. This cute little surprise will surely make their day – and is one of the most direct, and powerful way to show your appreciation towards them.

Want to learn more such ways to appreciate your co-workers? Seek guidance from professional resume services and career consultants today!


Best Resume Building Skills For An Online Job!

If you're looking for a new online job, it's critical that you think about some new skills when resume building. Here are three crucial ones to include:

  • Digital Communication

When we talk about digital communication, what exactly are we talking about? It has the stuff you'd anticipate from the name, such as email and mobile chat, but it also includes a few extra features. Effective digital communication is being able to fully utilise the internet to communicate your service's message and stay in touch with as many potential clients and consumers as possible.

This also entails a basic understanding of social media, blogs, and website-building platforms like WordPress. Even if you think it's ridiculous, it's worthwhile to become acquainted with it on some level. Right present, the internet is highly vital for marketing, and the more staff a company has who are capable of strong digital communication, the better. So this is a talent you should definitely improve and add to your resume.

  • Time Management

Although not all remote jobs are created equal, you can expect to have some control over your own schedule if you work from home. Of course, this isn't always the case, but it is frequently. And it appears to be a highly appealing feature of a job. It's just having work and chores assigned to you and being able to perform them whenever you choose during the day. It appears to be rather liberating, and it should, in principle, relieve you of a lot of stress.

However, in practise, it can have the opposite effect. It encourages you to delay and slack off, which might lead to your task being overwhelming. This is commonly understood by those who hire remote workers. People will be hesitant to hire you if you do not demonstrate this when resume building that you will be able to manage your own time, getting things done efficiently, and maintaining a regular schedule even when you are not in an office. So be conscious of the significance of this.

  • Independent Problem Solver

Another disadvantage of working online is that you will have no one to turn to for assistance if an issue arises. Of course, co-workers and superiors can be reached by phone or email, and this can be time consuming. It's preferable if you can work through challenges on your own to prevent decelerating your development with whatever activity you're working on. No one likes to be harassed by calls or messages about issues that you'd be able to resolve on your own.

Make it apparent on your resume that you really are ready to take initiative to solve problems rather than relying on others for assistance. To make your case, give some examples of times when you have done so successfully. Even after the virus has passed and things have returned to some form of regularity, remote work may remain the norm. Many businesses have most likely begun to recognise all of the perks that come with it.

Want to learn more about the same? Get in touch with professional resume services today!


7 Workplace Bad Habits You Need To Work On!

Workplaces are usually toxic.According to career consultants and resume writing professionals, we all have bad habits that we need to work on. But before you work on them, it is crucial that you identify habits that might interfere with your career.

Here are some signs that you have some potential bad habits.

  1. This is one of those habits that most of us possess. Time management is difficult when working in corporate. This not only means how you manage your working hours, but also showing up to work on time. This is unprofessional and demonstrates to your team as well as the administration that you are lenient in respect to time and that you don’t value your time or others.

  2. Too much complaining is also one of the signs of bad habits. No one likes a co-worker who complains a lot. People complain a lot, and don’t have solution to such complaints are usually I wanted by other team members. This also includes spreading a bad word about your boss, work, your colleagues, etc. Gossiping is also a part of such complaining.

  1. Don’t blame others if you have committed a mistake, own to it. Nobody is perfect, I need to admit that you are wrong. According to career consultants and resume writing professionals, this demonstrates your compassion and that you’re willing to correct your mistakes, instead of blaming them on others.

  2. If you have any questions regarding any tasks, you need to print ask for a clarification. If you’re not clear about that, it will end up costing you time money and efforts. Be prepared and clarify all your doubts. Not asking questions is one of such bad habits.

  3. You don’t carry your corporate work to Home, and the company expects you to do the same-keeping your personal business strictly at home. If there’s an emergency, or an appointment-then it’s okay. But casual chatting, browsing web, shopping, or all to be kept for your break hours.

  4. Lack of focus and dedication towards your work is also one of the bad habits you need to work on. Scrolling through your phone, not paying attention to the speaker, looking here and there-may portray you as less interested.

  5. This is strictly against work ethics. You need to avoid excessive swearing as it is considered unprofessional. Swearing also brings out anger and unwanted reactions that might sabotage your career.

Want to learn more about such workplace bad habits? Get in touch witha career consultant or resume builder today!


6 Body language tips to ace a job interview!

Congratulations! You have gone through the resume writing process and have landed a job interview. But it’s not just your resume, or the accomplishments you have achieved-that impresses the potential employer or hiring manager. You need to consider your body language too.

Here are some tips that will help you nail a job interview.

·         The eyes say it all. Knowing how to make eye contact with the employer or hiring manager is a crucial part of the interview process. This is where if you don’t spend enough time making eye contact with them, you may seem less interested-whereas, too much of it will make you look creepy. You need to know how to strike the right balance.

·       This is the first thing you do once you enter the war room. Handshakes and more complex than we think they are. The way you shake hand with the employer can you tell a lot about yourself, how confident or reliable you are. According to interview prep and resume writing professionals, a good handshake can be the key to impress in the hiring manager or potential employer.

·        Next comes in posture. The way you sit on your chair says a lot about you. Don’t be too relaxed or have a poor posture as it may make you appear lazy or is lacking interest in the job. Make sure you keep your back straight and set up right as it showcases your body language in a good way and demonstrates the recruiter that you are actually interested in the job.

·        Crossing your arms is a no-go. Crossing your arms is a body language sign that makes you unwelcoming or that you don’t trust the person who is sitting in front of you. Just gives out a wrong vibe that you are cold and like to keep your distance. You need to show that you are a team player, not the other way round. So don’t do it.

·         Fidgeting is a sign of anxiety. Not just in job interviews, but everywhere. Touching your face or hair, or biting your nails and lips may distract the employer or hiring manager interviewing you. Tapping your foot is also one of such negative signs. Try not to do this while in a job interview.

·        You need to smile a lot. Besides being good for your health, smiling is a great way to portray yourself as friendly and approachable. It’s actually opposite to crossing your arms, as like we discussed above. It makes you seem enthusiastic. Send out a positive vibe, and work on that perfect friendly smile.

Clearing a job interview is quite challenging, no doubt about that. Just remember the above-mentioned body language steps and try practising them with friends or family members. Act a bit natural, securing a job interview will become earlier. 

Need more insights on the same? Get in touch with a interview prep and resume builder professional today!


6 Quick Tips To Format A Resume

There are tons of resume building formats. It usually depends on the industry you are applying in, or the type of resume you are creating. At present, there are three traditional resume writing formats: chronological, functional, and combination.

Regardless of the format you choose, the following six tips applies to all resume.

1.       This is our number one resume building tip. Make sure your resume doesn’t have any crazy fonts-it should be easy to read. Traditional fonts such as Helvetica, Aerial, or Century Gothic are the best one. The phone size should be between 10 to 12 points and you should use the basic margin gaps to create ample amount of white space on your resume.

2.       Your resume may be an autobiography of your professional career but that doesn’t mean you need to include everything. Don’t mention every job you have ever had. You should consider your resume as a marketing tool that should showcase ​​your best and most relevant information related to the job you are applying for. The same goes for highlighting accomplishments and achievements. And yeah! Make sure you put the best stuff on the top half of the page.

3.       You need to have an updated list of all your jobs. But didn’t we just tell you not to include everything? Sure,we did. But you may have to change jobs or experiences and make certain tweaks on your resume-for each job you apply for. That is why resume building professionals’ advice you to have a master resume.

4.       This has been a dilemma for most candidates who apply for a job. How long should a resume be? Should it be one page or two pages long? No doubt this is a debated subject, but in most cases One page will do. But that doesn’t mean you cannot ride a two-page resume. If you are struggling to edit it down to a single page-go ahead and submit a two-page resume.

5.       Make sure you highlight your contact information contact information such as your phone number and email should be placed at the top of your resume in bold. A link to your LinkedIn profile is also a good idea. Just remember to keep all your social media accounts clean and professional. Many potential employers and hiring managers in the current Job industry SS social media accounts to find information or do a background check on the candidate they seek to hire.

6.       You need to format a resume in a way that it is easy to skim. This is the key for hiring managers to go through hundreds of resumes on a daily basis. They usually spend 7 to 8 seconds on a particular resume. So, in order to impress the potential manager, you need to bold your headings, highlight key information and words, and break up sections so that there is enough white space to craft an eye-catching resume.

Want to learn more such awesome tips? Seek guidance from professional resume services today!


3 Best Resume Writing Tips To Get Your Foot In The Door!

Regardless of how skilled you are, if your resume somehow doesn't stick out and grab the recruiter's attention, it will surely end up in the rejection pile. 

It's difficult to determine which resume writing style is ideal for you, what the prospective employer expects to see, and how to promote yourself successfully in such a limited amount of time. Resumes come in a variety of formats, including chronological, functional, targeted, and much more. The best option for you is determined by your past work experience and desired career sector or industry. Finally, keep in mind that your resume should highlight the information you want the reader (the hiring manager) to know about you and why they should hire you.

3 Best Resume Writing Tips!

  1. Use the combination resume format.

With hundreds of resumes to go through, it's no surprise that recruiters only review them for 7 seconds. They require all available information and more in order to make an informed conclusion about which ones are worth their time to read.

A combo resume is a terrific approach to emphasise your abilities and expertise while also making it easy for recruiters to see what you have to offer. This kind is more memorable than others that focus solely on one or two topics when resume writing - since it combines both the functional and chronological parts of resumes.

  1. Use a cover letter to stand out.

Although a cover letter isn't always required, it's a good idea if you're changing jobs. A well-written and targeted paper may truly help you expand on your experience while also demonstrating how those talents might benefit the new job for which you're seeking.

Cover letters demonstrate our self-assurance without having to say anything else! They also allow companies to determine who could be a good fit for their firm by simply reading our bio (which most individuals don't do).

Take some time to consider why this new work opportunity fascinates you before you begin drafting your cover letter. Consider what makes the position so appealing and offer a quick explanation so that potential employers can see how collaborating with you will benefit them.

  1. Seek guidance from a professional resume builder.

While you may believe that producing your own resume is the sole option, many people find the process too difficult or time-consuming. A professional resume builder can handle all of the tedious details for you and write in a manner that is acceptable for each company, ensuring that there are no errors on their end!


Here’s how to manage your resume job title!

Should you change your resume job title?

This is a difficult question. According to resume consultants,this is where most candidates fail to identify whether or not to change their resume job title. There are some candidates out there who avoid making this change in the fear of portraying themselves as less serious about employment. Whereas, others consider this as an opportunity to highlight their experience in a way – to grab the employer’s attention.

 But how do you manage your resume job title? Here are 4 tweaks you can practice:

1.     Customize your title.

The title of your resume focused on the role you seek to apply for. This does however, can get a bit tricky in background checks. Get in touch with the references you have mentioned on your resume – and let them know about the changes you have made to your job title.

2.     Highlight your achievements.

Although you might have been working under a particular role – you need to lean towards the accomplishments you have achieved. Using statistics, facts, and number while mentioning your accomplishments is a great way to jaw-drop the potential employer. You just not tell – it should be documented on your resume.

3.     Add a sub-title to the summary section.

This sub-title should reflect the job position you seek to apply for. Make sure you have a generic title such as the titles of Product Manager, Sales Executive, Business Analyst, etc. According to resume consultants, this gives the potential employer/recruiter a picture of your top skills – and will justify the rest of the resume – based on this very sub-title.

4.     Place a key skills section.

Having a well-crafted skills section, alongside the summary section can be of great significance. This can be the key to landing an interview for your dream job. Consider these tips:

·         Identify the skills you want to highlight – Check out the job posting and try finding relevant keywords, describing the skills they are looking for. Come up with certain statistical examples to demonstrate the same.

·         Do a keyword analysis – Search the web and look out for commonly used keywords by employers in job posting. You can check popular job portals such as Monster and Indeed – or talk to other people working in a similar industry.

·         Have ample resume space – Employers hate a resume that is not appealing to the eye. Make sure there is enough white space – and bullets on your resume. Also, your resume length should not exceed 2 pages.

Need more insights on the same? Get in touch with the best executive, IT, and student resumes builder today!


3 Tips For A Killer Resume For The Software Sector

According to professional resume services, whether you've worked in the technology industry for years or are switching careers, a strong software resume is essential for landing the position you desire. The software industry is continuously developing and evolving, and software firms are searching for exceptional additions to their development teams now more than ever. You must construct a fascinating CV that will get you noticed if you want to stand out from the crowd in the hunt for your ideal job.

How To Write A Resume For The Software Sector?

Preparing a resume for a job in the software industry differs greatly from writing resumes for other sectors. Employers in the technology and software industry aren't always seeking for certain educational or work experience. A good recruit for many software organisations is someone who has the necessary talents to complete the task at hand. Here are some pointers to help you create a resume that highlights all of your relevant skills.

1.      Choose the Right Resume Format

A resume can be formatted in a variety of ways. According to professional resume services, the reverse chronological career experience structure is well-known to most individuals. A functional or skills-based resume, on the other hand, that emphasises the talents relevant to the position you desire is frequently a better fit for a software profession. Technology businesses today are more interested in what you know how to accomplish than where you acquired it, so put your skills first on your software resume.

2.      Tailor Your Resume to the Job You Want

While you should always have a general-purpose resume on hand to send out fast, you should customise your resume to incorporate keywords from each job advertising before applying. SaaS development, for example, is a fast-developing business that necessitates a distinct set of skills than traditional software development. To stand out in the SaaS development application pool, emphasise the talents that the firm is looking for in a candidate.

3.      Avoid Fluff and Filler

Recruiters and hiring managers often have a large number of applications to sort through, so they only have a few minutes to review your resume. That implies you must stress the most important aspects of the work and leave out anything else. Graduation dates, ambiguous soft skills, and hobbies should all be avoided. One exception: if your interests are tech-related, such as hackathons, you should share them.


Resume building for a software job is no more difficult than writing a resume for any other field. You must know the job you desire and compose the best resume for that position, just as you would in any other field. You can acquire your ideal job in the software industry by tailoring your resume to showcase the abilities that set you apart.


4 Tips To Make Job Hopping Look Legit!

What exactly is job hopping? A job hopper is someone who changes employment on their own every one or two years.

According to career and resume building professionals, the average employee in the United States stays with their job for 4.6 years.

This is more prevalent than you may believe whether you are a freelancer or fresh in your job. Furthermore, the present work environment as a result of the epidemic has prompted many people to be innovative with their occupations and ways to generate money. You have more opportunities in certain ways, but bouncing from one thing to the next might seem awful on a resume.

Why Do People Job Hop?

        They are unhappy with their existing situation.

        Seeking another opportunity to further their professions.

        Become bored fast and easily.

        Seeking more difficult chances.

        Desire to learn certain new abilities.

How to Make Job Hopping Look Legit!

1.       You are Good at Adapting

Job hopping requires you to adjust to different work contexts. You must be very good at communicating, quickly learning new systems, and creating relationships. Adapting to a new work setting is a valuable soft skill to have.

2.       Faster Career Development

You've heard it before, and you'll hear it again: changing jobs is the quickest way to advance in your career. According to career and resume building professionals, this is true not just for individuals who work as employees or contractors, but also for self-employed persons who desire greater exposure and information about their sector so that they may progress over time.

3.       A Higher Salary

As you advance in your job, you might request a larger compensation. If you continue with one work, you can normally expect bonuses and annual raises, but they won't be as large as if you switched jobs. When starting a new job, you have far greater negotiating power.

4.       You Can Change Your Work-Life Balance

It is never too late to begin over. Changing jobs may be a reset button for both your work and personal life, providing a healthy change of scenery that will undoubtedly improve things for years to come!

The Negatives of Job Hopping

You must be prepared to face companies that view job hopping as a negative or a red flag. Here are some strategies for assuaging their doubts regarding your worth and abilities, brought to you by resume writing services Toronto.

        Establishing yourself - remind them that you are excellent at communicating and meeting new people. You've had a lot of experience diving directly into a new team and contributing.

        You will leave your new employment soon - you enjoy a challenge and are searching for opportunities for advancement – if they can supply this, you will remain.

        It's not only about the money — reassure them that you're seeking for a new challenge, a better work environment, and a change in lifestyle.


4 Reasons Why You Need A Video Resume In 2022

According to professional resume services - not everyone will agree to make a video résumé; most candidates prefer to go the traditional and more straightforward route. However, we propose that you take a unique approach and consider developing a video resume to wow potential employers. First and foremost, the video will set you apart from the crowd of other applicants; second, the recruiter will notice your enthusiasm; and third, this is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your abilities.

Why make a video resume?

It is getting increasingly difficult to locate a solid work against the backdrop of the world's poor economic position over the last two years. Since 2015, there has been a consistent downward trend in the number of vacancies, accompanied by a large increase in the number of candidates. And, in many cases, individuals who know how to present themselves triumph over those who fully meet the requirements and possess the essential abilities in a competition for a coveted position.

So why choose video?

1.       You will undoubtedly be noticed by your employer. A video resume, unlike a traditional resume, will put you in the spotlight. We don't imply that traditional resume formats have lost their effectiveness; rather, video messages appear more remarkable and unique. As a result, they are seen first and do not collect dust in the desk's bottom drawer. Furthermore, knowledge is recalled best when the subject wanders around.

2.       According to professional resume services - a video resume opens doors that would be tough to open with a traditional resume. You can, for example, attract the employer's attention to your strengths while hiding or concealing those traits that don't put you in the greatest light. I agree that doing so with a standard resume is difficult.

3.       The personality is revealed in the video resume. Regular resumes have the major drawback of not allowing companies to see the real people behind them. There is merely a description of talents and abilities, a listing of previous employers, and a photograph, which is not always attached and does not show personality.

4.       A limited number of resumes that are comparable. Remember the golden rule: if you want to discover the best job offer, you must first become one for the employer. Typically, job seekers use tried-and-true methods to get work, such as LinkedIn, which has been around for decades. This means you must seize the opportunity and become one of the select few who will astound prospective managers with their unique approach to job hunting.

According to resume help providers - a high-quality video resume will catch the attention of the company and make you unforgettable. When you've finished recording your video, show it to your family, friends, or existing co-workers and get their feedback. Constructive criticism can aid in the refinement of the final product and the avoidance of errors.